Saturday, January 7, 2017

New year challenges! Using gimme 5! 95% begins!

Sometimes just being challenged to do something can get you going. A. J. Juliani challenged others to write everyday and blog more this year. I accepted the challenge and so here I am! (#30daysblogging)

This post is about an attention grabber called give me 5. 

The first day back from break I started re-teaching classroom expectations by reminding student what give me five looks like when sitting on the floor. We talked about each finger and what they mean-  

pinky= eyes

Ring = ears

Middle= mouth

Index= hands

Thumb = feet

Tomorrow we will talk about at seat expectations, especially working time and how to ask for help.

Academically we started 95% this week with closed syllables. I just have to make sure it takes only 10 minutes and doesn't take too much math time. All of the words are fake words and that always confuses the kids at first because it is like you are teaching a foreign language to them. 

Update on how my results were on 95%: 

I had about 60% passing scores after teaching it for three days. Not too bad! I wanted 80%, but it is just a beginning and it was the first week back from break. 

I will let you know what next week brings! Have a great one! 

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