Behavior Management

Our school is in our third year of PBIS. Here are some things that we have done in our school as well as some things I have in my classroom to go along with our school behavior plan.

I use Class Dojo in my classroom. It is a great tool to use and the students will love it!
This is the voice meter. You will find one in each classroom and in all of the common areas. This gives everyone the same common language when talking about voice level. 

These are the tickets that we give out. I copy them and cut them out. I pass out at least 10-20 per day in all areas of the schools to any student doing what they are expected to do. 

These are the bus tickets. One year we had a contest for an indoor swimming party to see what grade gets the most tickets on the bus. It brought the behavior down on the bus from the highest to zero!

This is the famous wall where the students picture is placed and when they move to the next level of tickets they get a sticker placed on their picture. 

The guidance teacher teaches a new skill each month and the classroom teachers reinforce it in their classrooms.

This is the guidance counselor and myself, we are wearing the RRC t-shirts. Every month we have an assembly and the staff and students wear their t-shirts to show support. 

This is the sign at the entry way. 

Our team creates a school wide party once a month for all students that did not get a referral (both major and minor). The students that had a referral the month before have to work for the 45 minute party. The last one was a dance party with just dance videos in the gym. There was juice and a photo booth with dress up clothes too. The kids loved it! Here is a picture.

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