Using technology

I love to teach using technology. I feel that the engagement is so high even with 2nd graders that it is worth spending some time to teach them how to use it. Once you have taught them how to use it they will teach others and be able to use it with any assignment.


This year our district bought a set of ipads for each classroom to use. So I have taken advantage of the apps available to teach vocabulary.

The first app is called balloon stickies:

Students will take a picture and put a speech bubble to explain the vocabulary word. Here is an example:

The vocabulary word is decided

The vocabulary word is wrapped:

Another way that I use technology for vocabulary is Telligami: Using the iPad the students chose a vocabulary word and had their gami say a sentence using it. This is a sample of this. 

All of our computers have photo story 3 downloaded. I taught the kids how to use it with compound words:
Here is a sample of that: 

Here is another: 

Using QR codes in the classroom

WOW! I really didn't know how much of an impact it would have on my students. They were all so engaged in this activity I was amazed. My 2nd grade partner experienced the same in her room so I know it was real. Even the students that always mess around during group activity time were engaged.

I have probably at least 4 ADHD students in my classroom so the movement kept them engaged and working the whole time.

The activity was simply a review of prefixes and irregular verbs for the reading test they would be taking that day. All students were working and helping each other with the answers. 

I set it up so that there were 3 students in every group. Then I made a rotation schedule so everyone had a chance to use the ipad to read the QR code, write down the answer, and the third person was the locator and found the next code in the room. 

We checked the answers together after the activity. 

Check out this video to see how engaged they were:

Making the QR codes was easy! Here are the steps to do this activity in your classroom:
1. go to
2. click on the QR game generator
3. get started
4. When you put your questions in make sure to number them and put the answer
5. Either go to the answers and print them off or write down your answers 
6. print them and post them around your room
7. Be ready to be amazed!

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