Saturday, September 27, 2014

Using apps for vocabulary

I can't believe this is my first post of the year!  Crazy busy this year. Hope to post weekly from now on.
We have a set of five mini iPads in our classroom. I use them daily in RTI and daily five. 
This week our second graders used an app called Pic Collage for vocabulary during RTI time.
Pic Collage is my all time favorite app so if you haven't used it you just have to give it a try.
The students were instructed to use the vocabulary words and the app to find pictures on the web that show what it means. I saw a student use the word share and it had a cute teddy bear sharing an ice cream cone.
The next day I looked at the other photos and found the word suddenly. They had a picture of Suddenly Susan with a cigar in her mouth and a group of girls in bikinis with a saying on the bottom "suddenly she realized why men didn't date her".
Although it is a good activity I realized I need to see what pictures will show up when you type in the vocabulary word.
Lesson learned!
We just finished our final standardized fall test. RTI groups are in full swing and the students are settling into their weekly routines. 
Glad to be back in the school year and I hope to make it a good one.
Be sure to check back next week because I will share another app I use for vocabulary.
Wish I had 1:1 Ipads! It would make things so much easier. Until next time!
The first picture was done by a student to show the word City and the second one is from our welcome back night, both were created in Pic Collage app. 

Saturday, May 24, 2014

End of the year thoughts

5 days left

Whoa, May sure went fast! We have 5 more days of school left. I think the kids have already checked out though. We have been working on a couple of interesting projects and that has really kept the kids on task but I think this week will be tough.

Progress reports

Finishing up my progress reports was such a relief and basically I felt pretty good about them.
What I really wanted to accomplish was to show what students know when they get done with 2nd grade. I feel like I have done that.
Some things to think about:

  1. When doing standard based grading make sure you have a plan when it will be taught and how to assess it right from the beginning of the trimester/quarter.
  2. If you pick a standard make sure you plan on guaranteeing that at least 95% of the students will know that standard when you get done with 2nd grade. All other grades above you are counting on that!
  3. Make a plan right away if students are struggling with a standard. How you will pull them out if it is only a quarter of your class? How did you teach it the first time? How did the other grade level partner/s teach it? 
  4. What percent do you expect the student to get on the assessment? How will you assess the students to see if they exceed the standards?
  5. Make sure you only assess the standard at the level you expect them to be at when they finish 2nd grade. (we made that mistake and learned from it). 
  6. Keep faith that the next time you teach it they will get it because they probably will. 

What the government should really look at. 

My favorite part of this week was when I got out the writing papers from September and October and had the 2nd graders compare and read what they wrote with a writing this month. One of my students told me that it was so embarrassing what they wrote in September. This shows so much more than the Iowa Assessments. If the government wants to know if students are proficient they should enter the 21st century and see what we see! I wish I would have copied a couple of those to post. One student at the beginning of the year wrote like a kindergartner and didn't use any spaces. Nothing made sense and what he wrote was off topic. What a difference a school year can make, I was truly impressed.

Internal Motivation

Sometimes it is hard for a teacher to understand what motivates a student to do a good job on something such as an assessment. The writing that we did on Thursday this week was simply write about your favorite summer activity. I told them when they get done writing I will let them see what and how they wrote at the beginning of the school year. This was motivation for many students to do their very best. I didn't say it goes in the grade book, or if you do a good job you get a sticker. Sometimes we don't give enough credit to students internal motivations. 

Final thoughts

Summer is almost here but teachers are never really disconnected from their job. I will spend a few days just watching movies or playing games but then I will think about what I need to do for next year. 
I am teaching summer school for 3 weeks so I won't really be done working until the end of July. 
Thanks for reading! 

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Augmented reality space app

Last week the story our class was reading was all about space. It was called Working in Space and we also read about space in small group reading.

In connection with the story our class used an app called Spacecraft 3d which is put out by NASA. The students were able to see many of the space things they read about in an image they could turn and explore. 
This was an awesome adventure for the students and if you haven't tried augmented reality apps yet you have to give this one a try.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Using QR codes in the classroom

For the first time I experimented with using QR codes in the classroom on Friday April 4th.

WOW! I really didn't know how much of an impact it would have on my students. They were all so engaged in this activity I was amazed. My 2nd grade partner experienced the same in her room so I know it was real. Even the students that always mess around during group activity time were engaged.

I have probably at least 4 ADHD students in my classroom so the movement kept them engaged and working the whole time.

The activity was simply a review of prefixes and irregular verbs for the reading test they would be taking that day. All students were working and helping each other with the answers. 

I set it up so that there were 3 students in every group. Then I made a rotation schedule so everyone had a chance to use the ipad to read the QR code, write down the answer, and the third person was the locator and found the next code in the room. 

We checked the answers together after the activity. 

Check out this video to see how engaged they were:

Making the QR codes was easy! Here are the steps to do this activity in your classroom:
1. go to
2. click on the QR game generator
3. get started
4. When you put your questions in make sure to number them and put the answer
5. Either go to the answers and print them off or write down your answers 
6. print them and post them around your room
7. Be ready to be amazed!

Saturday, March 29, 2014

You've got to love your job

Some people never figure this out, but it is very important to love what you do as a job.
I am personally glad to be a teacher. Don't get me wrong, everyday isn't perfect. I am not saying that everyday is great. However, I am saying I love my job. I might not make as much as a business person, but I love my job and that is what matters.
When my kids were in school I remember a particular Secretary at one of the schools. She definitely did not love her job. She was always yelling at the students that came into the office. She wasn't very nice to me either and I was a parent. We really need to think about how we are perceived by those parents that stop at the school. What is really interesting is after I graduated from college with my teaching degree I subbed at that same school. As a teacher that same Secretary treated me with all the respect in the world.
Our school in the past have had parents take a survey to gather a perception of our school climate. The results show parents don't know if teachers like their job or not. I say if a teacher loves his or her job it would be obvious and the parents would know.
So I leave you with this question~ do you teach like you love your job?

Friday, March 14, 2014

Parent Teacher conferences

 Our district had our PT conferences this week and I had 94% attendance. I only had one parent not attend which is great! I personally love PT conferences because it gives me a chance to connect with the parents and let them know what goes on daily in the classroom. I wish I had the time to let the parents know this on a weekly basis for every student.

Parents want to help in any way that they can. It really is a brainstorming time with the teacher letting them know what they can do at home to help and to let the parent know what we are doing at school to improve scores and get their child on grade level work. Together is the only way to do this!

Of course there is always a student or two that seem like they don't care and both the teacher and parent are baffled on what to do about it. This is why these conferences are so important. Together maybe you can find a way to help their child.

Just giving the parents a call when their child has a great day or comes up with a great idea means so much to them. Last week we were learning money in Math and one student was just buzzing through the problems and I showed him how exciting learning can be. I asked him if I could call his mom and tell her how awesome he did. Of course he was excited (sometimes my excitement will do this) and said "yes".

Well, it was a really busy day and I didn't get the phone call made that evening. But, the next morning I called home and the mom told me he was waiting for my phone call last night. Both the kids and the parents love this!

Making this kind of effort is what teaching is all about to me! Trying to make these kind of connections on a weekly basis is definitely a goal that we all should make.

Friday, March 7, 2014

21st century learning

Yesterday and today I have had the opportunity to learn ways to use video and qr codes in the classroom. I always have to keep in mind "WHY" I want to use these things.
First QR codes: These are amazing and fun to use. It gives a mystery to what they are and gives teachers an opportunity to let students explore their own ways of learning. A couple of sites we used for QR codes include.  and to make an entire collaborating type of quiz you could go to this site.

We also did some video creating and sharing using Windows Live Movie Maker. This was an awesome tool to use. I am not sure my 2nd graders could use this tool but I could use it to put together videos from the classroom.
Great learning experience!

Sunday, March 2, 2014

The importance of professional development days

This week I have three days of out of school professional days. Although it is hard to be away from the classroom for professional days, I feel they are important.
The first day is about a PBIS. This is our third year of PBIS and we are now learning how to implement tier three interventions. Without AEA support it is difficult to know and understand how these systems work.
The other two days of professional development are for using 21st century skills. These classes have given me so many ideas to use in the classroom.
It is so important that teachers keep learning new systems and new strategies to keep up with the most important thing. Students learning.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Will we have a full week of school next week?

Well another mixed up week goes by and as the late starts, early dismissals, and cancelled school days add up the frustration builds for both teachers and students. Well, we can't control the weather so what are we to do? I have to admit I had to take a deep breath a couple of times this week.

 It just seems like the kids are constantly on vacation (in their minds).

I am hoping for a full week next week. Yesterday I cleaned up my classroom and finally left about an hour after check out time.    I decided not to do any work this weekend and to just enjoy my two days off.

As you can see that didn't work out for me.

First thing Saturday morning I had to take a peek at the reading test that the kids took yesterday to see how they did. Our district is using Journeys by Houghton/Mifflin.  I love it and the kids take their test online so the results are very easy to use. I can make up my own test by whatever I decide to test them on. I am really hoping that our district goes with something like this for new Math curriculum in the next couple of years.

Anyway, I will try to finish up the weekend by NOT working.

Have a good one, and hope for a FULL week.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

No referral Dance party/photo booth!

On Friday, Valentines day, our school held a no referral dance party. All students that didn't have an office referral or teacher referral in the month of January was able to attend the party in the gym. Those students that did have a referral had to work during the 45 minute party.
It was a great success. I wish I could have had a picture of the students dancing to just dance you tube videos because it was a riot!
During the dance party students were able to get dressed up and have their picture taken at a "photo booth". This is our principal having a little fun with that.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

How I view standards and assessments.

As I am wrapping up the 2nd trimester assessments, I am reflecting about what these assessments mean to me. It is not about the assessment but rather the results and what you do with the results. When writing my comments on the report cards, it made me realize that I need to step it up for some of these kiddos and teach and reteach until they get the standard mastered. I need to make some "I can...." statements for myself.

So here they are:
1. I can teach every student every standard until they get it.
2. I can ask for help from other teachers to change how to teach it and reach every student.
3. I can use the assessment results to make sure every student is at 2nd grade level before the end of the 3rd trimester.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Another late start!

Wow at this rate next year when our district goes to hours we would have a lot of make up!
I can't believe how many we have had this year. I used to enjoy the late starts but because of the pressure of getting things done, I just hate them (yes, I said it!)

Sunday, February 2, 2014


I have finally decided that I needed to share with others my love for teaching! I have found so many blogs that are useful and interesting that I need to share what is going on in my classroom with the world. I am a 2nd grade teacher and this is my 5th year of teaching. I didn't go to college right out of high school like so many others. I got married three months out of high shcool. I had my children, 3 boys, worked at places like Mcdonald's and housekeeping at the local hospital. I worked at a factory sewing pillows for 10 years and in 2004 they closed my department. It was then that I decided to go back to school and get my degree to be a teacher. I have never regretted it, although the student loans are very scary! That is my story and this is my first blog post. I hope I can share information and ideas with others!